Sometimes being a Latino means even innocent activities are seen as reckless by some, just because of how we look. And someone impersonating a cop can be used against us. That’s what this racist woman did to a group of young Latinas playing on their local playground swing…

The white woman, now dubbed ‘Swing Set Susan,’ didn’t like seeing Latinas rejoicing in public.So she lied about being a police officer 😡 and threatened to arrest them if they didn’t leave…So what can you do if someone impersonates an officer to intimidate you?

First of all, remain calm and centered. Then ask:
1. “Can I see your badge to verify your name and badge number?”
If they refuse, tell them you’re going to call the police station to confirm their identity.

2. Then ask, “Why don’t you have a uniform?”
Off-duty and undercover officers should still carry identification.
3. Last, ask: “Do you know it’s illegal to impersonate a police officer?” An impersonator will be intimidated by the legal repercussions of their actions.

We won’t be intimidated by harassers and bigots for living out loud!