When first-generation Latinos accomplish a great feat they do so not only for themselves but for their families and communities. This includes navigating the challenging college environment, many times without any outside support.
Emily Rivera didn’t know what college was growing up but that changed when a guidance counselor asked her to consider taking Advanced Placement courses and educated her on the benefits of higher education. Now, the Salvadoran American has a bachelor in Communication from the University of Maryland in Baltimore County.
Alonso-Vega Herrera learned from a young age that if he didn’t grow food he wouldn’t eat. But he didn’t want to surrender to life with a dead-end job and begin looking into college; today he is on a mission to work with migrant workers and fight for their rights.
Rita J. Olivares Cervantes has been plagued by imposter syndrome her entire time at University of Texas at Austin. She writes to feed her soul and remains proud of her heritage; she will soon earn her degree in English, Mexican
American and Latino studies.
We’re so proud of this cohort for collectively advancing nuestra gente one degree at a time.