


Hey, remember that time Trump announced his 2016 presidential run by calling Mexicans rapists, criminals, and drug dealers? Well, it’s no surprise that he still wants to implement his extreme immigration views. Let’s get into some of the craziest, most undemocratic, and most unhinged ideas he’s concocted against people who don’t look like him.

Starting a small business is freaking hard! Trust me, I’m doing it: hustling to find new clients; staying up at night worrying about payroll; and working nights, weekends, and every spare chance you have—all while wondering if you’ve made a terrible, life-altering mistake. Sometimes it feels like you’re running repeatedly, head-first at a wall in the hope that it will eventually give way. Well, the Biden-Harris administration can’t remove the wall, but at least it’s handed many of us a helmet.

Thanks to Governor Ron DeSantis and the Republican supermajority in the Florida legislature, it is now almost impossible for grassroots groups to run voter registration drives in the Sunshine State. Unsurprisingly this successful effort to shut down Floridians’ right to vote disproportionately affects Latino and Black residents.

Once upon a time (eight years ago) practically every Republican running for federal office had to sign a pledge to never raise taxes. Well, that went right out the window along with most of the rest of the traditional Republican Party platform with the election of Donald Trump, who now wants to increase Americans’ annual taxes by as much as $1,700.

“Buying a house was so much easier for me than for my parents’ generation!” said no Millennial or Gen Z-er ever. Owning a home can seem like a fantasy for millions, like going to space or not crying while watching Coco. Luckily, Vice President Kamala Harris has pledged to implement the most ambitious national affordable housing program since just after World War II.

Columns at the Supreme Court

You know what we’re not going to do today? Argue the merits of affirmative action. Trolls are more than welcome to release their bile on Reddit because I have a 300-word-limit to stick to. We will, however, discuss the effects of the Supreme Court’s ruling that essentially ended college affirmative action in the United States.

Dozens of power lines connected to pylons

To ensure global temperatures increase less than 1.5 degrees Celsius, thereby warding off catastrophic climate change, the United States must electrify itself, and quickly. That means transitioning our appliances, stoves, boilers, water heaters, cars, and factories from running on fossil fuels to electricity. This also entails ensuring our electricity grid runs on renewable resources like wind and solar rather than coal and natural gas. Luckily, the U.S. has made great strides toward these goals in the last few years.

Two workers installing solar panels

It’s understandable to feel discouraged at the pace of efforts to address the global climate crisis. Every year it seems hurricanes, flooding, forest fires, and extreme heat grow in intensity and duration. However, under the Biden-Harris administration’s leadership, the United States has drastically expanded its solar power generation, helping accelerate the country’s transition away from fossil fuels.